M-POWER Partners:

Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras

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  • Areas of Work: C-190, Collective Bargaining, Communication, Decent Work, Democracy, Digitalization, Domestic Work, Due Diligence, Environment, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples, Just Transition, Migration, Peace, Sexual Diversity, Social and Solidarity Economy, Social Dialogue, Trade Union Freedom, Training and Guidance, Working Time, Workplace Democracy, Youth
  • Sectors: Basic Metal Production, Care work, Chemical industries, Construction, Public services, Textiles, clothing, leather, footwear
  • Implementation Partners: Acción por la Memoria y Apoyo al Trabajo por la Equidad (AMATE), ACP, ACPP, ADICAY, Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (ACCD), Agencia Vasca de Cooperación, Ayuntamientos Área Metropolitana Barcelona, Asociación Comunitaria Unida por el Agua y la Agricultura (ACUA), Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Ayuntamiento Bilbao, Ayuntamiento Donostia, Ayuntamiento Tarragona, Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, CALALA, Centro de Derechos de la Mujer de Chiapas (CDMCH), Centro Indígena de Capacitación Integral (CIDECI), Centro para la Promoción, Investigación y Desarrollo Social y Rural (CIPRES), CGIL Italia, Comité de Desarrollo Campesino (CODECA), Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), Consejería de la Presidencia, Consorcio SubCentrales Bartolinas Sisa, CTA-T Argentina, CUT Brasil, CUT Chile, CUT Colombia, Democracy and Workers Rights Center (DWRC), Diputación de Valencia, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Diputación Zaragoza, Diversos ayuntamientos Catalunya, El Puente, Equipo Maíz, European Centre, Federación de Asociaciones y Sindicatos Independientes de El Salvador (FEASIES), Federación Guatemalteca de Escuelas Radiofónicas (FGER), Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense Servizi (FILCAMS), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation (FES), Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vitorio, Fundación 1º de Mayo, Fundación Europea del Clima, Fundación FIEL, Generalitat Valenciana, IAL Toscana, Instituto de la Juventud, Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud (ISTAS), Instituto Quichua de Biotechnologia Sacha Supai (IBQSS), Junta de Castilla y León, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULEUVEN), Memoria Viva, Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social, Mousawat Association, National Federation of Employees’ and Workers’ Unions in Lebanon (FENASOL), Observatoire social européen, Asbl (OSE), Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych (OPZZ), Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas por la Paz (ORMUSA), SindNova, TUC RU, Unión de Agricultores Minifundistas de Guatemala (UAM), Unión General Tunecina del Trabajo (UGTT), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Countries Covered: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Palestine, Peru, Spain, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Uruguay


Gender equality through potable water in Rio Azul

Technical cooperation in training and job counseling in Central and South America

Against Precarity: promotion of labor human rights and the social and solidarity economy in Tunisia

Strengthening the union of domestic workers

Fostering respect and compliance with Human Rights by transnational companies (TNCs) in Colombia

Guarantee of access and participation in the comprehensive system of truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition (SIVJRNR) following the peace agreement in Colombia

Defense and promotion of labor human rights in Colombia

Promotion of decent work against informality and labor precariousness for women in Colombia

Ensuring gender justice in Lebanon

Promotion of gender justice and decent work in Lebanon

Decent work for Palestinian women in a violence and discrimination-free environment

Indigenous peasant women promoting depatriarchalized development through the exercise of their rights

Strengthening the process of personal, family, community, political, and economic empowerment of indigenous peasant women

Consolidation of the indigenous-intercultural system of learning and studies to strengthen the technical, organizational, and political capacities of impoverished communities in Chiapas through the practice of equity, comprehensive health, and environment

Tunkui for the lives of the Kawsak Sacha territory

Enhancing territorial capacities for the defense of human rights defenders

Social, popular, and union movement in El Salvador for the defense and demand of ESCR (Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights)

Walking towards Buen Vivir in Guatemala through a popular and plurinational constituent process driven by indigenous peoples and popular sectors

Diverse women leading transformative communication for the defense and promotion of the rights of peoples and mother earth

Indigenous peasant women in Chiapas promote, exercise, and defend their rights to a life free from violence and to their participation and recognition in community decision-making

Popular School for the strengthening of indigenous communities and civil organizations in the defense and care of the territory through the sustainable and equitable use and management of natural resources. Chiapas

Strengthening of territorial management of the ancestral Kichwa people of the Rio Anzu

Organized Women from Panchimalco to exercise our rights

Promoting the Effective Enforcement of Labor Rights from a Sexual and Gender Diversity Perspective in Central America

Promoting communication at the service of the peoples and popular sectors from the territories in Guatemala

Just energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean

Strengthening the articulation of the organizational and productive fabric with the leading role of women for local development in the Municipality of Panchimalco. El Salvador

Popular school for the strengthening of indigenous communities and civil organizations in the defense and protection of the territory through the sustainable and equitable use and management of natural resources. Chiapas

Promoting integral local development, guaranteeing access to water and sanitation, agricultural production, health, and organizational capacities of three communities in the Municipality of Jinotega

Associative governance model and citizen participation with equity, for the enforceability of the human right and community management of water in El Salvador

Support for sustainable local agroecological development and improvement of food security for 28 rural indigenous communities in the departments of San Marcos and Quetzaltenango

Sustainable rural development for indigenous communities in Chiapas

Tojolabal men and women build a better life by recovering popular knowledge with technologies that take care of the territory and the environment, Chiapas

Project "Combating the extreme right from the world of work"

Trade Union Network for Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Migrations (RSMMS)

MEET "Towards a green and just transition of the metal sector: improving EWCs' members involvement in multinational companies"

Start: 2024-01-01 End: 2025-12-01

TUDO for ETU "Trade Union Digitalization Officers (TUDO) for Effective Trade Unions in the new digital world of work"

Start: 2023-09-01 End: 2025-04-01

TURN "Addresing industrial relations towards circular economy in metal, chemical, textile, energy and construction sectors"

Start: 2023-11-01 End: 2025-10-01

GDPoweR "Recovering workers` data to negotiate and monitor collective agreements in the platform"

Start: 2023-10-01 End: 2025-10-01

INNOVAWORKING "Innovative and flexible approaches to working time"

Start: 2023-11-01 End: 2025-11-01

ADAPTHEAT "Adaptation to heat and climate change at work. Collective bargaining and social dialogue in Europe to protect workers' health and safety, welfare and productivity against heat and heat waves"

Start: 2022-07-01 End: 2024-07-01

BASE "From Basic knowledge to Advanced Skills for European Works Councils' members and HR and Industrial"

Start: 2022-09-01 End: 2024-04-01

REJEnerAXion "Energy for a Just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe"

Start: 2022-03-01 End: 2024-03-01

SOCIAL GREEN DEAL Prospects for industrial relations and social dialogue in the green transition management of local systems

Start: 2022-03-01 End: 2024-03-01

TALK: Training and Advising on Labour Keys

Start: 2020-02-01 End: 2022-04-01

BFORE "Bargaining for Equality - Strenghtening collective bargaining systems to ensure fair wages and address income inequality in Europe"

Start: 2021-05-01 End: 2023-05-01

DIGIQUAL PUB "Impact of DIGItalisation on job QUALity and social dialogue in the PUBlic services"

Start: 2021-05-01 End: 2023-05-01

POWER "Multinational companies: improving workers' expertise on financial and non-financial information to foster their rights"

Start: 2021-03-01 End: 2023-03-01

DIRECT II "Expanding and Improving Workplace Democracy as a Prerequisite for Humanising Labour and the Work Environment"

Start: 2020-02-01 End: 2022-02-01

PRECARITY WAR: Building Close Utopies. Key Action 3 - Youth Dialogue Projects

Start: 2019-05-01 End: 2020-10-01