Organizing & advocacy in Indonesia & Philippines
Start: 2022-01-01 End: 2025-12-01
Organizing to advance DW rights and dignity
Start: 2023-07-01 End: 2024-12-01
Organizing the Migrant domestic workers in Malaysia
Start: 2024-07-01 End: 2026-07-01
Organizing the domestic workers in MENA region
Start: 2024-03-01 End: 2026-12-01
Organizing the domestic workers and enable social dialogue in Africa, Asia, and MENA
Start: 2023-10-01 End: 2025-12-01
Organizing & leadership in Francophone Africa
Start: 2022-10-01 End: 2025-03-01
Enabling Labour Pathways - Organizing and leadership development in Malaysia and Lebanon
Start: 2023-01-01 End: 2024-12-01
Africa organizing and capacity building
Start: 2024-10-01 End: 2026-11-01
Reframing Informality for Economic Recovery - Organizing the unorganized
Start: 2024-04-01 End: 2025-03-01
Global Leadership & Organizing in Spain
Start: 2024-10-01 End: 2026-09-01
GCC Coalition against forced labor of Migrant Domestic Workers
Start: 2023-03-01 End: 2026-06-01
Leadership development for domestic workers leaders in Latin America - LUNA
Start: 2024-05-01 End: 2024-12-01
Asia Care Policy Mapping
Start: 2024-04-01 End: 2024-09-01
Care Economy & Social Protection in Asia for domestic workers
Start: 2023-04-01 End: 2024-05-01
C190 & Care Economy
Start: 2023-11-01 End: 2026-09-01
Future of Workers in Africa - Digital Social Protection
Start: 2023-12-01 End: 2024-11-01
Fair Taxation & Social Protection
Start: 2024-06-01 End: 2026-05-01
Social Protection & Social Security
Start: 2023-08-01 End: 2023-10-01