M-POWER Partners:

United States

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  • Areas of Work: Capacity Building, Gender, GBVH, Labor Inspections, Migrant Workers, Non-discrimination, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Rural Workers, Worker Voice, Workers' Rights, United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
  • Sectors: Agriculture, plantations, other rural sectors, Construction, Food, drink, tobacco, Mechanical and electrical engineering, Mining, Oil and gas production, Platform work, Postal and telecommunications services, Textiles, clothing, leather, footwear, Transport (including civil aviation, railways, road transport), Transport equipment manufacturing
  • Implementation Partners: American Center for International Labor Solidarity, Impactt, International Labor Organization, La Isla Network, Partners of the Americas
  • Countries Covered: Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Jordan, Lesotho, Liberia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines


Protecting Rights of Migrant Workers through Empowerment and Advocacy

The project builds the capacity of workers’ organizations or other civil society organizations to assist foreign migrant workers in Malaysia.

Start: 2015-11-25 End: 2026-12-31

Strengthening Workers' Ability to Exercise their Labor Rights in Mexico

To build the capacity of workers, support worker engagement and organizing, and strengthen democratic worker organizations in the aerospace, mining, and call center industries, such that they become protagonists in fulfilling the potential of Mexico’s historic labor reform. The project will offer workers and their organizations expert technical assistance, ongoing skills development, and pro bono advisory and legal services.

Start: 2020-12-15 End: 2025-06-14

Improving Gender Equity in the Mexican Workplace

The Gender Equity in the Mexican Workplace project works to empower women to gain representation in union leadership in order to strengthen protections, address discrimination and harassment at work, and augment wages.

Start: 2021-12-15 End: 2026-06-14

Promoting Safe and Healthy Workplaces in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador

Part of the Root Causes of Migration Strategy for northern Central America, the Promoting Safe and Healthy Workplaces in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador (PREP4Change) project seeks to improve occupational safety and health (OSH) conditions for workers in the sugar and garment (maquila) sectors. The project will focus on workplace illnesses and injuries, chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes (CKDnt), and COVID-19.

Start: 2021-12-15 End: 2026-06-14

Building an Independent and Democratic Labor Movement to Protect Worker Rights in Mexico

This project will strengthen the capacity of unions to organize by legitimizing collective bargaining agreements, supporting internal leadership elections, building partnerships, and providing independent unions with legal support and training for lawyers. This project will operate in the Mexican states of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Estado de Mexico and Mexico City, as well as Mexico’s northern states by promoting authentic collective bargaining in several sectors.

Start: 2022-07-19 End: 2026-07-18

Improving respect for workers' rights In Bangladesh

This project aims to improve labor conditions in the construction, garment, shrimp farming, and tea sectors, with a focus on gender-based violence and harassment, occupational safety and health, and climate change and environmental degradation.

Start: 2022-10-01 End: 2026-09-30

Worker Empowerment in South America

The Worker Empowerment in South America project seeks to improve respect for labor rights in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru by strengthening democratic, independent workers' organizations in the agricultural, platform (gig) economy, manufacturing, and mining sectors.

Start: 2022-12-15 End: 2025-12-14

Observation and Engagement for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights Realization

The OBSERVAR project will support workplace democratic processes in Mexico through the impartial observation of workplace votes and the capacity building of key stakeholders on the issues of freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Start: 2023-08-23 End: 2026-08-22

Working in Freedom in Jordan’s QIZs: supporting fundamental labour rights through the Al-Hassan Work

This project aims to promote fundamental principles and rights at work for garment sector workers in Jordan through support to the Workers’ Center in the Al-Hassan qualified industrial zone (QIZ), which creates a space for workers to gather, access various services, and exercise their labor rights.

Start: 2023-08-10 End: 2026-05-30

Engaging Workers and Civil Society to Strengthen Labor Law Enforcement - Phase II (Engage 2)

The Engaging Workers and Civil Society to Strengthen Labor Law Enforcement (Engage II) project aims to improve the knowledge of and compliance with labor laws in Georgia.

Start: 2023-10-01 End: 2026-09-30

Research, Innovation and Strategic Engagement Project

The RISE project works with governments, workers, and employers to respect, promote, and realize workers’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights globally.

Start: 2023-11-01 End: 2028-05-02

Supporting Safe and Inclusive Work Environments in Lesotho

This project aims to improve occupational safety and health and counter discrimination and gender-based violence and harassment in the informal economy, public service and hazardous sectors.

Start: 2023-11-15 End: 2028-05-14

Improving Worker Rights in Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a focus on Women

The agriculture, fishing, and mining industries in the Philippines and Indonesia are characterized by poverty and poor working conditions. This projects aims to address these issues through a varied mix of coordinated and gender-responsive interventions to contribute to the strengthening of national frameworks (to include national and regional tripartite mechanisms) on labor, gender equality and OSH, and an enabling environment to promote compliance in these rural areas.

Start: 2020-12-01 End: 2024-11-30

Promoting Quality Jobs in Infrastructure Development in Indonesia and the Philippines

The Promoting Quality Jobs in Infrastructure Development project aims to support safe, quality jobs on infrastructure project sites in Indonesia and the Philippines that are financed by Multilateral Development Banks. The project is part of the U.S. Multilateral Partnership for Organizing, Worker Empowerment, and Rights (M-POWER), and advances the goals of the  Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.

Start: 2023-10-01 End: 2028-03-31

Strengthening Worker Engagement, Empowerment, and Trust (DR)

The SWEET project empowers sugarcane field workers in the Dominican Republic to improve their working and living conditions through increased use of formal and informal mechanisms, including legal assistance, social services, and grievance processes.

Start: 2022-12-15 End: 2026-12-14

Elevating Women's Participation in the Workplace in West Africa

The Elevating Women’s Participation in the Workplace in West Africa project seeks to address discrimination and gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work in the mining, palm oil, and rubber sectors in Liberia, and in the oil sector in Nigeria.

Start: 2022-12-01 End: 2026-12-01